Overflow Box


Overflow Box

Compact and Effective.”

The Overflow Box is a great alternative for aquariums without a built-in overflow system. It effectively skims the organically rich water from the aquarium surface to the filtration system.

Model No.: OB-300S

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Features & Benefits

  • A reliable alternative to Build- In Overflows
  • Precise machine welded cast acrylic construction
  • Silent Operation
  • 5 times more water volume than overflow units with tubes
  • Black top reduces light intake to reduce algae growth
  • Available in Single drain configuration


The Overflow Box is a great alternative for aquarium without a built-in overflow system. It effectively skims the organically rich water from the aquarium surface to the filtration system.

Available in Single drain configuration.

Technical Data

Item NoProductL1L2L3WHOutput DrainMax Water Flow Rate
mminchmminchmminchmminchmminchmm (inch)LPHUS Gal